Services & Fees

When working with me, you can expect:
- changes and corrections that do not alter your voice or style
- honest, constructive feedback
- actionable suggestions for revisions
- editing backed by 20+ years of experience
- expert knowledge of the Chicago Manual of Style (publishing industry standard)
- a "no such thing as a stupid question" policy
- a spirit of collaboration
- positive vibes only!

Included with All Editing Packages

- A fully marked up manuscript using Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature.

- A style sheet including editor's notes on the manuscript's strengths and areas for improvement and a list of words from the manuscript with special styling (capitalizations, hyphens, etc.).

- A 5–10 page editing or proofreading sample, so you can see my editing style and make sure we are aligned. Editing of the full manuscript will proceed, with your comments in mind, when you have approved the sample.

- One round of revisions: After your full edit or proofread, if you make any revisions based on my changes or suggestions, I will review those areas for you. Not a full second edit or proofread--just reviewing changes made by the author.

Developmental Editing

$0.03 per word

- Usually the first stop on the editing path.

- Comprehensive editing for big-picture issues with story pacing, narrative themes, character development and behavior, narrator point of view, plot holes, and dialogue.

- May rephrase short passages to improve narrative clarity but no major rewriting.

- Includes queries to suggest revisions the author can make themselves.


$0.025 per word

- Usually the second stop on the editing path, after developmental editing.

- Includes proofreading plus editing for word choice and repetition; language, character, and tone consistency; and adherence to style guide.

- May rephrase short passages to improve narrative clarity but no major rewriting.

- Includes queries to suggest structural or organizational revisions the author can make themselves. 


$0.02 per word

- Usually the last stop on the editing path. Proofreading is the final polish to your already-edited manuscript.

- Correcting errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax to ensure clean, consistent copy. Proofreading is only for correcting errors, not for addressing issues as noted for developmental editing and copyediting.

- May make suggestions for rephrasing to improve narrative clarity but no rewriting.
